Going Rogue With Your Plan

I encourage every athlete that I work with to get in contact with me whenever they have an issue with completing their training as it is listed.  And issues do occur.  Be it a work schedule change, a sick kid or an unexpected car pool, there is always something that can get in the way of a perfectly executed training session.  I let everyone I work with know that I check my voicemails, texts and emails many times throughout the day, and make every effort to answer training questions as soon as possible.  I do this because I want to be able to personally address every change that needs to be made in the training program / progression.  The programs are constructed in such a way that each day builds upon the next, and each week builds upon the prior.  I have had clients in the past make changes to their programs – without notifying me – and the changes they made led to them having a less than effective training session and /or week.  The following is an email I received today from someone letting me know that a change in their work schedule had left them tired, and what they had to do to deal with the fatigue:


I switched the opposite side of the day recently and I’ve been having a hard time sleeping.   Thursday’s ride suffered miserably.   I rode the 1st 12 min interval, and then did 1/2 of the second..then finished up with just 1 hour.   I will ride Friday easy as scheduled and take it from there.
While this runs a little off course from everything I wrote above in that this person made changes to their program without notifying me, there are a few circumstances in play that make this acceptable:
1) The person is over seas and is on a ~12 time difference from E.S.T.  This time gap leaves us entirely out of sync in terms of easy communication.
2) This person has very limited internet access, and ability to contact me.
3) I have previously instructed this person on how to deal with a workout that they were struggling with, and they acted accordingly.
The bottom line is this – don’t go rogue with your training.  If you have an issue then let me now as soon as you learn about it.  We will work together to come up with a solution that melds well with your schedule change.

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