Variability In Your Training
I can not give an accurate citation on this reference, but I believe it was from Bicycling Magazine in the early 90’s. It is a quote from Leonard “Harvey” Nitz, a multiple time National Champion, and Olympic gold medalist, on the track. When asked what he did for his winter training program he replied that he changed it each year. He found that it was both mentally, and physically refreshing, to mix up his program. At that point in my educational, and coaching, careers I was still learning the how’s and why’s of what to do with your training programs, and that particular point obviously made an impact on me. And it is something that I still preach, and follow, to this day. My change for myself this year was to reintegrate an extensive resistance training plan into my winter program. I have always worked weights into my winter plan at some level, however, this winter I designed a plan for myself that would have me lifting heavier, and more often, than I have in the past 10 years. My goal with this plan was to increase my overall sprint strength. The image for this post was from my workout tonight, and the max power that I was able to attain during my sprint efforts. The 1507 watts is 70 watts above my high from last winter, and I know I still have room to grow. The resistance training I have been doing up to this point has been volume focused which creates a nice base, but does not do a lot to maximize force production. As of this week my program shifts to a strength / power emphasis, and that shift should yield even further gains. Make sure that you mix up your program each season. If you don’t you will be missing out on potential adaptations and gains.
1500w inside is pretty impressive…does the UCI know you have an motor in your wheel?
I am interested to see how it goes when I get outside.
thats nasty