Changing Up The Routine

Changing Up The Routine

I recently posted a ride I did on Strada, and this is one of the comments I received about the ride, “This is a change from the Hess routine.” The ride I did consisted of riding my mountain bike out to Highland Recreation area, completing the A, B, C & D Loops and then riding back home. The comment was absolutely spot on. The ride was an entire change from my normal road bike, or mountain bike on the local loop, routine.   It was a change that I made time for, and a change I was looking forward to.

During the Spring and Summer my road bike routine is very strict, and some would say, limiting. As inflexible as I am during this time of the year with my riding, I know it is what I have to do if I want to maximize my racing success. There are many fantastic Summer days with which I would like to hop on mountain bike and do just such a ride, but I do not. I cannot waiver from the plan or I will pay the consequences. Generally speaking, I am not bothered by these self imposed restriction. However, I do make mental notes of rides I would like to complete and I file them away for the offseason.

Once my official road season ends, and I am able to change up my routine, I take every opportunity to do so. This Fall I went all in. I put together a plan to ride to, do a lap, and ride back from 8 semi-local trails. When the comment was made on Strava it was pertaining to the ride which was of myself completing the 5th trail. I am currently at 7 out of 8, and  plan to get to the 8th one next week.

It is good for our minds and bodies to include some variation in our routines. Sometimes we are locked in a place for good reason, and we need to hold position. But when the opportunity arrises, and you can mix it up, take advantage of it. It will be good for your legs and your mind.

– Jason


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